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Currently accepting new patients

the nuffield practice premises
We hope you will find this a useful resource to help you to make good use of our services.

Latest news

Oxfordshire Mind is here to support your mental health and overall wellbeing. 


New Age UK Oxfordshire physical activity classes at Witney Corn Exchange. Next Course of Stay Strong and Steady in Chipping Norton starting early January

Carers Oxfordshire is a free service that offers information, advice and support to unpaid adult carers of someone living in Oxfordshire. 

If you are 18 or older and another adult,

If you have received an invite for your Covid/Flu vaccination, we ask where possible to please use the link to

If you are pregnant or postnatal and would like support to move more in a way that works for you, Move Together is here to help. 


Move Together is an Oxfordshire wide

There have been a small number of cases of MPOX in the UK. Please see the below guidance 


Mpox: background information

Further information

Zero Tolerance Statement

Our staff come to work to care for others, and it is important for all members of the public and our staff to be treated with respect.
We aim to treat our patients courteously at all times and expect our patients to treat our staff in a similar way.

We take seriously any threatening, abusive or violent behaviour against any of our staff or patients. if a patient is violent or abusive, they will be asked to stop. if they persist, we may exercise our rights to take action to have them removed, immediately if necessary from our practice list.

The practice considers threatening behaviour to be:

Attempted or actual aggressive threatening physical actions made towards any member of staff.
The use of aggressive, threatening or abusive language, (including raising of the voice, swearing and cursing, shouting) which threatens or intimidates staff.
In line with the rest of the NHS, and to ensure this is fully observed we have a Zero Tolerance policy in place, whereby any aggressive or violent behaviour towards our staff will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

Anyone giving verbal abuse to members of the staff will be sent a letter from the Practice stating that this behaviour will not be tolerated and may result in the removal from the Practice patient list. There will be no appeal process.

We hope that you will understand and welcome this policy which is in place for the best interest of our hard working staff as well as our patients.

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