en English

Domestic Violence


Support Available for all :


NHS  - Domestic and Violence Support can be found HERE


Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Service - The county have organised a campaign to increase the early reporting of abuse and to publicise a range of services to help people experiencing abuse and their families and friends. The helpline has been launched with 250 champions in front-line agencies across Oxfordshire, trained to help and support victims, providing a one-stop service. Contact them on 0800 731 0055


Victim Support - They are available to help anyone after a crime. Because they are an independent charity, you can talk to them whether or not you’ve reported the crime to the police. You can call them on 01865 751511 or visit their website HERE ( www.victimsupport.org.uk ) 


Thames Valley Police Domestic Violence Co-Ordinators - City : 01865 335165 ( Open during office hours ) North/West : 01295 754625 South/Vale : 01235 776000 ( ask for D.V Unit ) 


Reducing the risk - This is a domestic abuse support service available to anyone in Oxfordshire. You can find out more about the service by visiting HERE ( www.reducingtherisk.org.uk )


Bright Sky App - This is a mobile app and website for anyone experiencing domestic abuse, or who is worried about someone else. For more information on downloading the app see HERE


Ask for ANI - This is a code word scheme that enables victimes of domestic abuse to signal they need help and access support from across the UK. Participating pharmacies display posters in their windows so that customers know they an approach staff for help. You can find out more about this scheme on the government website HERE 


Specific Support for women :


Oxford Women's Aid - They can be contacted on 01865 791416. You can also visit the Women's Aid website for help and assistance by clicking HERE ( www.womensaid.org.uk )


Refuge - They have a national helpline for women and children. They provide specialist accomodation and services to women and children escaping domestic abuse. Their helpline number is 0808 2000 247 


Live Fear Free - This help and advice about violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence. 0800 8010 800


Specific Support for men : 


Mens Advice Line - The Men's Advice Line provides a range of services aimed primarily at men experiencing domestic abuse from their partner. You can contact them on 0808 801 0327


Man Kind - This helpline offers advice and support for men experiencing domestic abuse. Their helpline number is 01823 334244


Specific Support for LGBT+ :


Galop - Galop support LGBT+ people who have experienced abuse and violence. You can visit their website HERE or call 0800 999 5428

Further information

Zero Tolerance Statement

Our staff come to work to care for others, and it is important for all members of the public and our staff to be treated with respect.
We aim to treat our patients courteously at all times and expect our patients to treat our staff in a similar way.

We take seriously any threatening, abusive or violent behaviour against any of our staff or patients. if a patient is violent or abusive, they will be asked to stop. if they persist, we may exercise our rights to take action to have them removed, immediately if necessary from our practice list.

The practice considers threatening behaviour to be:

Attempted or actual aggressive threatening physical actions made towards any member of staff.
The use of aggressive, threatening or abusive language, (including raising of the voice, swearing and cursing, shouting) which threatens or intimidates staff.
In line with the rest of the NHS, and to ensure this is fully observed we have a Zero Tolerance policy in place, whereby any aggressive or violent behaviour towards our staff will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

Anyone giving verbal abuse to members of the staff will be sent a letter from the Practice stating that this behaviour will not be tolerated and may result in the removal from the Practice patient list. There will be no appeal process.

We hope that you will understand and welcome this policy which is in place for the best interest of our hard working staff as well as our patients.

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