For details of the following clinics and services contact reception.
Minor Surgery
The doctors perform minor operations at the health centre. Your doctor will explain what is involved and ask you to complete a consent form.
Maternity services
Maternity care is provided by your GP and a community midwife. Antenatal courses are run by the midwife. Please ask her for details.
Most mothers from this area have their babies in the Women's Centre at the John Radcliffe Hospital, but for some, Chipping Norton Hospital can be offered as an alternative. This can be discussed with your midwife.
Child Health Surveillance
Child health checks are carried out by your own doctor in surgery. Childhood immunisations are done by the practice nurses in the treatment room. Our practice nurses will be pleased to help with further information.
Minor Injuries Unit
The Minor Injuries Unit is situated in the Witney Community Hospital. It is open from 10.00am to 10.30pm each day, including at Christmas and on Bank Holidays. They also have x-ray facilities. They can be contacted on 01865 903841
Primary Care Visiting Service
The Primary Care Visiting Service (PCVS) is made up of a team of emergency care clinicians who are working closely with GP practices to provide home visits to the elderly and housebound. If you request a Home Visit, the GP may send a member of the Primary Care Visiting Service to see you; they will assess you and will give you advice, and if necessary they will call the GP for further input.